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Vicon Motion Capture Service

Introducing Sri Lanka’s Pinnacle of Animation Innovation: The World’s No. 1 Vicon Motion Capture System at Mogo Studios. At Mogo Studios, we are proud to be the first and only motion capture service in Sri Lanka, equipped with the world-renowned Vicon Motion Capture System. We have brought cutting-edge technology to the heart of the island, revolutionizing the animation and entertainment industry like never before.

Our journey is fueled by a passion for creativity, an unwavering commitment to excellence, and a desire to push the boundaries of what’s possible in animation. With the Vicon Motion Capture System, we can now offer a level of precision and realism that was previously unimaginable.

What makes the Vicon Motion Capture System the world’s best? It’s all about capturing movement with incredible accuracy. Whether it’s for video games, film, television, or any other creative project, our system can replicate human and creature movements with unparalleled precision. This means that the characters and animations we create are not just lifelike; they are truly alive.

Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Unmatched Realism: Our Vicon system captures every nuance of movement, delivering animations that look and feel lifelike.
  • Speed and Efficiency: With our state-of-the-art equipment, we can capture motion data quickly and efficiently, saving you time and money.
  • Customization: We tailor our services to suit your specific needs, whether it’s for gaming, filmmaking, advertising, or research.
  • Experienced Team: Our team of animation experts and technicians are skilled in harnessing the full potential of the Vicon system, ensuring the best possible results.
  • Endless Possibilities: From creating fantastical creatures to recreating historical movements, the Vicon system opens up endless possibilities for your projects.

We invite you to explore the limitless potential of animation with us at Mogo Studios. Whether you are a filmmaker, game developer, researcher, or anyone with a creative vision, we are here to turn your dreams into reality.

Join us on this incredible journey as we redefine animation in Sri Lanka and beyond. Welcome to a world where imagination meets precision – welcome to Mogo Studios.

Deutsche House Bulding, 320 T. B. Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 01000, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Our hours
10:00 AM - 22.00 PM

Monday - Sunday
Contact us
Phone: 0115300800
